New Blue MBA Ambassador

Lars Hoffman

The Blue MBA Appoints Lars Hoffman of DFDS, Class of 2023 as the Blue MBA Ambassador representing the Mediterranean

With an extensive career spanning over 30 years in the field, Lars Hoffmann has worked in various logistics businesses across different sectors, primarily focusing on moving cargo. He is currently based in Istanbul as the Vice President and Head of Business Unit Mediterranean at DFDS and a graduate of the Blue MBA class of 2023. He has been appointed as the Blue MBA Ambassador for his focus on the importance of continued learning and embracing innovation in the shipping and logistics industry.

Blue MBA Ambassadors serve as leaders and liaison contacts for alumni and participants of the programme. To better connect our graduates to the unique shipping industry, Ambassadors are appointed in different regions and business segments to raise awareness of the programme’s mission to develop strategic capabilities of management in the maritime and associated industries.

“The ambassadors actively help making the programme visible and showcase it to prospective students and the business community. They enhance our reputation and ensure our programme’s success through various activities by engaging in our newly established Blue MBA Alumni Academy where we focus on life-long learning, as well as participating in events, engaging with members of the alumni association, supporting recruitment efforts, providing mentorship, and contributing to thought leadership activities. I’m impressed with Lars Hoffman as a highly engaged graduate, an advocate of the programme and a very valuable asset.”  says Irene Rosberg, Programme Director of the Blue MBA and Chief Executive of the Blue MBA Alumni Association.

Lars Hoffman’s decision to join the Blue MBA programme was driven by its strong emphasis on logistics, aligning with his professional interests and enabling him to tailor assignments to address DFDS’ specific needs, and the desire to always improve personal skills and move forward. Moreover, he values the programme’s international recognition and professional approach. The diverse composition and global outlook of the participants has played a significant role in broadening his perspective on shipping.

Lars Hoffmann aims to be at the forefront of this transformation, driving innovation and introducing new ways of thinking within DFDS. He envisions analysing data, reviewing strategies, and actively seeking long-term solutions for the company’s sustainable future. Embracing industry transformation is a proactive approach that he believes is essential for success.

“Participating in the Blue MBA programme has significantly expanded my analytical and theoretical toolkit, transforming my approach to various aspects such as change management and the integration of mergers and acquisitions. This combination of academic education and my 30-year practical experience in the shipping industry has proven to be an ideal blend for my professional growth and future endeavors,” says Lars Hoffman.

“I look forward to serving the program and CBS as World Wide recognized Businesses school and leader within Maritime EMBA – in light of geopolitical upheavals the importance of stability in this industry is even more important, which the programme equips you for. I hope to contribute to the life-long learning activities of the Blue MBA Alumni Academy and to help recruit fitting participants to ultimately ensure smooth shipping operations in the Mediterranean and our neighboring regions. The connections you build through the programme are second to none and I am extremely delighted to be an ambassador.”

The Blue MBA programme thanks the time and contributions of previous Blue MBA Ambassador representing the Mediterranean – Yiannis Pastellas.