45 industry leaders from around the world kick off their Blue MBA journey

CBS Blue MBA classroom glimpse 2019
A glimpse from the classroom where the Blue MBA class of 2021 recently embarked on their shared learning journey.

On 23 September 2019, 45 professionals from across the shipping industry met in Copenhagen to start their shared journey on the CBS Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics, also known as the Blue MBA.

Together, this robust class of 21 different nationalities will meet in Copenhagen, Hamburg and London for eight teaching modules, finalising in an integrated strategy project where they combine all their new knowledge and insight to address a problem related to their own company.

Over the next 22 months, they will dive deep into topics such as leadership challenges, globalization of the world economy, changes in logistics requirements and implications of information and communication technology development. Through lectures, independent study, and group work with their fellow classmates, they will gain an all-around, 360-degree understanding of this sector and the industry’s needs.

“In achieving the distinction of being acknowledged world’s best part-time Executive MBA programme serving the maritime sector, we have helped create a more sustainable future for the maritime industry as the core of the Blue MBA,” comments Programme Director, Irene Rosberg.  “I am very excited that 45 high-potential, industry leaders from all over the world, representing all the segments of the industry, are joining this incredible journey in order to reach this goal.”

The newest class, with an average participant age of 39 years and including nine women, have a lot of hard work ahead of them, but the networks they will form, and new insight and value they will bring back to their companies and industry as a whole, make it more than worth it.

We wish this new class the best of luck on this journey and look forward to seeing all you accomplish along the way and beyond!